Some examples from the State Library of Victoria

“Barker & Co Decorative Patty Pans Collection.”

Three examples from The Nursery Rhyme set. Estimated to have been printed and sold in the 1940s

This one is obviously of quite a different style. The flowery print and color scheme reminds me of many 1970’s designs…what do you think?

Another very different style- much lighter, subtle and delicate. A Rhino or Elephant in reverse upside down image on one side. No way of knowing if this was even printed by Barker & Co, collected by them or made to export to ‘the far east’ as they liked to call Asia back then. Also in the collection is a little boat shaped patty pan that seems to have been made for a hotel that still exists in what we now call Malaysia.

This neat and bright flower design inspired this not so neat or disciplined video design >

more soon…